About us

The Artistocrats is an independent video game development studio based in Hasselt, Belgium. Our core team has always had a passion for the creation of games. This started with game modding and hobby game development, evolved into professional involvement in various game titles and eventually in early 2012 we began the development of our own game: “Order of Battle - WW II”.

Startship Troopers: Terran Command and Order of Battle - World War II

By now we have over a decade of experience with strategy games, both in the turn-based and real-time genres. Our goal is to remain ambitious, expand our team and continue to improve in all aspects of game development: gameplay design, graphics, marketing, community management…

Subscribe to our social media to follow our journey or check our the jobs page if you wish to take part of it!

Past work: Great Battles Medieval and the Napoleonic 2 mod for Rome Total War